
22.05.2011    (Dance) Notation Series | Tickets & info: ICKamsterdam - Amsterdam (NL)


International Choreographic Center [ICK]

Research | Dance Notation Series

.The ICK | Dancers, Researchers

Suzan Tunca studied theatredance at the highschool for the arts in Arnhem, worked as a dancer since 1998, since 2005 member of the eg|pc dance company.

Suzan Tunca has participated recently in a project involving compositions of Ligeti, where the score of his organ-piece ' Volumina ' was read as a source for the creation of movement material...."

Bertha Bermduez [International Choreographic Center in Amsterdam ICKamsterdam] is a dance researcher coordinating projects on research and transmission within the Choreographic center around Notation, transmission and documentation of dance from an interdisciplinary perspective.

. The (Dance) Notation Series

The (Dance) Notation Series is initiated as an open platform in 2011 by ICkamsterdam and the ARTI group form the Amsterdam School of the Arts.

The new edition of the (Dance) Notation Series will have its focus on the use and development of Scores, Archiving Dance and Performance and on the development of processes of Transmission. Following the previous format practical and theoretical workshops, presentations and discussions will be part of the program. Taking place on two days in May 2011, this new edition is embedded within two different events; the opening of ICKamsterdam’s multi-media library on May 21st in Amsterdam and the Performance Studies International conference Camillo 2.0 on May 27th in Utrecht.


